13 reasons why I did not kill myself.

My family and kind people.
There, article over. Thanks for reading.
Yes some bad shit happened to me. Yes I gave myself a radical haircut. Yes there was a rumor that went around my school that I had a threesome on a sailing trip.
But some really great things happened to me too.
I wrote about them in some past blog posts if you want to read them.
Life is a collection of good and bad things. Sometimes the bad things loom very large.
For a while I refused to leave my house because I believed I had nothing to say and thus could not contribute anything worthy to society.
If you’ve been following me on social media for some time now, you know that I had a very public breakdown a few years back.
I thought my world was over.
How could someone be a “normal” person after all this?
Luckily, I had some very supportive people in my corner. And I know we are not all that lucky.
A special shout out is in order for my family and Alandra Markman. My family has done more to support me than I can ever vocalize. And Alandra walked an hour in the snow carrying my boots and yoga mat during my stay at a residential center. And I don’t know many people who would do that.
Yes I could list 13 reasons why the world is a horrible place, but in my best moments, I choose to focus on all the good that is out there.
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