2019. My Year in Review

Holy Frick was 2019 a year!
Every year my Aunt Joan would write up these extensive reviews of her year and that of her immediate family’s. And I thought it was always very cute and thoughtful. So here I am attempting to do the same in digital form… definitely not as sweet as Aunt Joan’s incredible penmanship, which is truly a dying art form.
Where. To. Start?!
Early 2019:
- Finished my Graphic Design internship
- Buried myself in the books to study JavaScript
- Got accepted into the Grace Hopper Program

- Made it through Foundations, Junior Phase, and Senior Phase

- Created projects with group mates that I am immensely proud of:
- Started dating someone
- Volunteered at the Lesbians Who Tech Summit
- Attended my first Hackathon and created a project with my team that won the People’s Choice Award
- Painted a mural

- Got a Front End Web Development Independent Contractor gig

- Got a badass tattoo

- Performed in a comedy show

- Taught 3 coding classes

Here’s to my accomplishments and here’s to the things I hope to accomplish in 2020: Quitting smoking. For good this time. Getting a full-time Front End Web Development job. Working more on the work/life balance and tackling whatever the new year throws my way.
