How I am coping during the pandemic
Each medium article starts with the prompt:
tell your story…
So while I am just a drop in the, I don’t know, definitely not bucket in this time of a global pandemic… I would like to share and document how I am coping/not coping with this current situation we all find ourselves utterly submerged in.

I am a creative person and as such, find solace, at all times, in having a personal project going; whether that project be a painting, drawing, coding a project, or writing. So my first idea was to crowd source for individuals who would like a drawing from me.

This idea seemed like a win-win, I would get some drawing time, inspiration, and very much felt happy when people reached out; especially in this time of social isolation. Additionally, the recipients of the drawings seemed happy. And I, as many do, like to see other people happy.
Then I moved on to my next project. During this time, I felt like I had all this time. But at the same time, no time. No time for productivity I mean. Wow, if only I had as much time as the amount of times I have written time thus far…
See I find much self worth, for good or for bad, in what I create and am able to create.
What is my next project, you may ask? A weekly comedy show! And how long has that lasted? One week… but hey maybe another one will come… after all it would be truly sad if my youTube channel had a video titled: Claire’s Quarantine Comedy Special Ep. 1 without some following episode numbers…
To be honest with you, before making that video I thought “quarantine” was spelled “quarentine”. So I’m still learning things every day… here’s to that.
Anyway, moving on to may next project… yes, I am still flitting.
I decided to make more coding tutorial videos; a worthy endeavor. So I created a React.js project called a Quarantine Quilt.

Oh, but there is one project I completed and felt satisfaction from! The United Nations had a “Global Call Out To Creatives — help stop the spread of COVID-19” and I made a submission. Check it out, if you would like.
So, for good or for bad, I trudge on with projects. One other project, ha, is ironically a goal setting project… an app idea I’ve started. Though without it… how ever will I track and see this goal through?!
I am not going to get too personal in this post. Although maybe my search of projects, I just told a co-worker I would paint his dog, is an avoidance coping mechanism of sorts. However, if it helps me get through this global pandemic with some sort of semblance of sanity… I’m okay with it.
I’m going to end this article here. Reach out if you want a drawing, ha. I truly hope you are finding your own ways to cope. Stay safe!